Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day Poem

Soldier, rest, thy warfare o'er,
Dream of fighting fields no more.
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking,
Morn of toil, nor night of waking.
Sir Walter Scott

I find it almost impossible to wrap my mind around what the American soldier has done or is doing for me, because it is so far above anything I have done or am doing in return, but I will try to say thank you anyway. I want to thank all the American soldiers who have died for me, or who have risked their lives or been maimed for me. You, like Jesus Christ, sacrificed yourself for me. He did it to free me from sin; you did it to give me freedom to live and choose and believe. How can I thank you enough?

Gabrielle Eden

(a good place to thank the troops is at: A Million Thanks!)

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