Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Muslim Attitude Toward Dogs Says it All

ABC News reports about how dogs are unclean to Muslims,

and it's enough to make me so mad. I am tired of hearing about all the self-righteousness in Islam. Muslims declare certain things to be holy and are dead sure they are correct, despising what is "unholy" and it amazes me how Satan has deceived them with their brand of holiness. In Minneapolis, the Muslims who work at Target are so holy, they refuse to touch a package that has bacon in it, so they will not work in a grocery line passing food such as this through the line and have to work somewhere else in the store for the sake of their religion. So holy! Makes me sick! Self righteousness is a righteousness that is man-made not God-made, and is not truly righteous. It is a lie.

Radical Muslims have the audacity to call all those who don't embrace their ways "infidels." Interesting that we use that word to refer to those who who have sex outside of marriage, something that is a part of their religion, as they don't hold sex between one man and woman dear at all, and that is what they call us. Hypocritical!

I cannot believe that Muslims call our bible the word of the devil! Who do they think they are? These are people whose only concept of heaven is sexual, and for men only: 72 virgins in eternity.

Dogs are unclean to them? I find it interesting that one can measure the health of people by their treatment of dogs, since nut-cases mistreat dogs. How can you not see the divinity of the dog? Seeing dogs as unclean shows the twisted thinking in their religion.


Bike Bubba said...

Dear sister, "infidel" is derived from the Latin fide, for "faith." The reference to marriage is actually a secondary use of the word, and that of religion is primary.

Yes, Islam is goofy, but let's not torture etamology until it makes a false confession, OK? :^)

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

How do people like you find me? At least you think Islam is goofy.

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

Also, "bike" I understand the context in which the word infidel is used, but I meant that it is interesting that the way in which we normally use the word, it is a depiction of what they are, and yet they are self righteously calling us that.

Bike Bubba said...

Thank, or blame, King David. :^) And quite right about "fide" having little or nothing to do with Islam, but I'm afraid my Latin doesn't reach to be able to come up with a cool sounding way of saying "non-worker." (in-laborel?)

imfreenow.blogspot.com said...

I thought I'd seen you before in kingdavid's site - checked out your site...